National Meat Day 2025
Dear St. Joseph Families/ Estimados families de St. Joseph,
On Saturday, March 29, 2025, the 4th Annual National Meat Day, will be taking place at St. Joseph School campus and all proceeds from the event directly benefit our school. Mark the date on your calendar as all families are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Now is your opportunity to earn service hours and donate towards classroom drawing baskets!
Families are expected to:
1. Contribute a minimum of $15 cash/check (every $15 is 1 service hour)
2. Contribute gift cards (every $15 is 1 service hour) submit receipt with gift card proceeds from past NMD events helped fund renovations in the cafeteria, classrooms, and pavilion. All proceeds raised this year will be allocated to grow St. Joseph's STEAM program.
El sábado 29 de marzo de 2025, se llevará a cabo el 4.º Día Nacional Anual de la Carne en el campus de la escuela St. Joseph y todas las ganancias del evento beneficiarán directamente a nuestra escuela. ¡Marque la fecha en su calendario, ya que todas las familias son bienvenidas y se les anima a asistir!
¡Ahora es su oportunidad de ganar horas de servicio y donar para las canastas de sorteo del aula!
Se espera que las familias:
1. Contribuyan con un mínimo de $15 en efectivo/cheque (cada $15 es 1 hora de servicio)
2. Contribuyan con tarjetas de regalo (cada $15 es 1 hora de servicio) y envíen el recibo con las ganancias de las tarjetas de regalo de eventos NMD anteriores que ayudaron a financiar renovaciones en la cafetería, las aulas y el pabellón. Todas las ganancias recaudadas este año se destinarán al crecimiento del programa STEAM de St. Joseph.

Spirit Shirts
Dear parents/ Estimados padres,
We have a new spirit shirt available for those that would like to purchase one. They cost $10 each and are available in the school office.
Tenemos una nueva camiseta de espíritu escolar disponible para aquellos que quieran comprar una. Cuestan $10 cada una y están disponibles en la oficina de la escuela.

St. Joseph Catholic School
Giving/ Donación
Please consider donating to help us continue the mission of this school, by providing our students with the education they need to prepare them for their future in a safe and supportive learning environment.
Donation link
Academy of the Holy Names Test Prep
Hello from the Academy!
We are happy to present the High School Placement Test (HSPT) Preparation Boot Camp 2024!
The HSPT Preparation Boot Camp is designed to provide 7th and 8th grade students with an opportunity to prepare and practice for the techniques, content and time management that are important to success on the HSPT Test. The HSPT is the standardized test measure that is part of the overall admissions package for all students seeking admission to highly selective Catholic High Schools like the Academy, Jesuit and Tampa Catholic. We encourage students in both 7th and 8th grade to take advantage of this opportunity.
The Boot Camp will run for 8 Thursdays starting on September 19 (all dates can be found HERE). The price includes an opportunity for a full practice test to be held on Saturday, November 16.
I just wanted to offer that we have been able to secure some financial support for St. Joseph’s students to participate in the HSPT prep program. For any specific questions or to inquire about scholarship aid available, please reach out to Dr. Carson Dobrin at .
We look forward to working with your students to help them feel confident and comfortable when they are ready to take the HSPT test.
Registration is now open! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or provide my contact information to your families.
Thank you,
Erin Fogle '10, M.Ed. | Director of High School Admissions
Academy of the Holy Names
813-839-5371 ext. 227
3319 Bayshore Blvd. Tampa, FL 33629
Middle School Remind Codes
Dear Middle School Parents/ Queridos Padres de Escuela Secundaria,
To better help with communication, we have created one Remind code for each middle school grade. Click the proper link to be added to your child's Remind class.
Para ayudar mejor con la comunicación, hemos creado un código recordatorio para cada grado de la escuela intermedia. Haga clic en el enlace adecuado para agregarlo a la clase Remind de su hijo.
8th Grade:
7th Grade:
6th Grade:
St. Joseph Catholic School
8th Grade Catholic High School Dates
Open Houses
October 24, 2024: Cristo Rey 5:30pm
November 3, 2024: Academy of the Holy Names 2:00pm-3:30pm
November 7, 2024: Tampa Catholic 4:30pm or 6:30pm
November 7, 2024: Jesuit 7:00pm
November 19, 2024: Cristo Rey Corporate Work Study Expo 5:30pm
Student Visits
Tampa Catholic Crusader for a Day: October 3, 2024
Tampa Catholic Crusader for a Day: October 10, 2024
Tampa Catholic Crusader for a Day: October 17, 2024
Tampa Catholic Crusader for a Day: October 24, 2024
Tampa Catholic Crusader for a Day: November 14, 2024
Cristo Rey Panther for a Day: November 7, 2024
Cristo Rey Panther for a Day: December 5, 2024
Entrance Exam Dates
*Schools will share scores. You only need to take the HSPT one time*
November 2, 2024: Tampa Catholic
December 7, 2024: Jesuit 8:30am
December 7, 2024: Academy of the Holy Names 8:30am
December 14, 2024: Jesuit 8:30am
December 14, 2024: Tampa Catholic
Application Open
Cristo Rey: Apply Here
Tampa Catholic: Apply Here
Jesuit: Apply Here
Academy of the Holy Names (Opens September 3, 2024) Apply Here
Application Deadline
December 1, 2024: Tampa Catholic
December 2, 2024: Cristo Rey
December 6, 2024: Academy of the Holy Names
December 19, 2024: Jesuit
Academy admissions information:
• Erin Fogle:
• (813) 839-5371 ext. 227
Cristo Rey admissions information:
• Jose Ramos:
• Ana Valero:
• (813) 680-2909 ext. 109
Jesuit admissions information:
• Steve Matesich:
• (813) 877-5344 ext. 715
Tampa Catholic admissions information:
• Delaney Webb:
• (813) 870-0860 ext. 240
For graduation or high school questions, contact Mr. Crafa at
Enrollment March 4
Dear parents/Estimados padres,
Starting today, March 4, we will begin offering any available spots to new families. If you have not completed the reenrollment nor paid the $250 registration fee for the 2024-25 school year, your child’s spot is considered available. Complete the reenrollment online and pay the registration fee before another family claims the spot as there are waiting lists for most classes.
In addition, you must pay off tuition balances and excessive unpaid fees before the registration fee will be accepted.
A partir de hoy, 4 de marzo, comenzaremos a ofrecer los lugares disponibles a nuevas familias. Si no ha completado la reinscripción ni ha pagado la tarifa de inscripción de $250 para el año escolar 2024-25, el lugar de su hijo se considera disponible. Complete la reinscripción en línea y pague la tarifa de inscripción antes de que otra familia reclame el lugar, ya que hay listas de espera para la mayoría de las clases.
Además, debe liquidar los saldos de matrícula y las cuotas impagas excesivas antes de que se acepte la cuota de inscripción.
St. Joseph Catholic School
Tuition and Fees
Registration Fees (VPK - 8th grade) Non-Refundable: Due upon enrollment Per Family $250.00
Home and School Association Fee: Per Family $100.00
School Security Fee: Per Family $250.00
2024-2025 Tuition Rates for Early Childhood (EC-4 / VPK)
- Half Day Program (8am-11:45am): VPK Certificate
- Full day VPK Program: $8,890.00 - VPK Certificate
2024-2025 Tuition Rate (VPK - 8th grade)
- Rate per Student (Kg-8th): $8,890.00
Tuition Payment Information
Reading Skills for 6 year olds
Dear parents/Estimados Padres,
St. Joseph is excited to partner with the University of South Florida in our project, the DysQ study, to learn more about the reading skills of 6-year-olds. In this project, we ask that you fill out a questionnaire and your child will complete a reading and language evaluation, free of charge. All testing can be done at school on a time and date that works best for you. Participation in this study will provide you with more information about the reading and language skills of your child. If you are interested, please complete the survey accessible by clicking the link below. If you prefer these documents on paper, please ask the school office.
St. Joseph se complace en asociarse con la Universidad del Sur de Florida en nuestro proyecto, el estudio DysQ, para aprender más sobre las habilidades de lectura de los niños de 6 años. En este proyecto, le pedimos que complete un cuestionario y su hijo completará una evaluación de lectura y lenguaje, sin cargo. Todas las pruebas se pueden realizar en la escuela a la hora y fecha que mejor le convenga. La participación en este estudio le proporcionará más información sobre las habilidades de lectura y lenguaje de su hijo. Si está interesado, complete la encuesta accesible haciendo clic en el enlace a continuación. Si prefiere estos documentos en papel, por favor pregunte en la oficina de la escuela.
St. Joseph Catholic School
Ford Ranger Update #2
Dear Parents/Queridos Padres,
Thank you for your interest in purchasing tickets for the Ford Ranger Drawing for May 21st. Tickets continue to be available in the office by request but are going fast!
Families will receive one service hour for every four tickets sold. Tickets are available in the school office.
So far the class leaders are:
- 6th Grade
- 4th Grade
- 2nd Grade
- Mrs. Farrell's Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 7th Grade
- 5th Grade
- Miss Baker's Kindergarten
- 3rd Grade
- 8th Grade
There are rewards for students that sell drawing tickets.
- Students receive a free dress pass for every 5 tickets they sell.
- The class that sells the most tickets will earn an ice cream party.
- The student that sells the most tickets gets a gift card of their choice.
Gracias por su interés en comprar boletos para el sorteo de Ford Ranger para 21 mayo. Los boletos siguen estando disponibles en la oficina a pedido, ¡pero se están acabando rápido!
Las familias recibirán una hora de servicio por cada cuatro boletos vendidos. Los boletos están disponibles en la oficina de la escuela.
Hasta ahora los líderes de clase son:
- 6to grado
- 4to grado
- 2do grado
- Mrs. Farrell's Kindergarten
- 1er grado
- 7mo grado
- 5to grado
- Miss Baker's Kindergarten
- 3er grado
- 8vo grado
Hay recompensas para los estudiantes que venden boletos para el sorteo.
- Los estudiantes reciben un pase de vestimenta gratis por cada 5 boletos que venden.
- La clase que venda más boletos ganará una fiesta de helados.
- El estudiante que venda más boletos recibe una tarjeta de regalo de su elección.
Thank you! Gracias
St. Joseph Catholic School