Safe Environment Training/ Entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro
In order to be fully available to take advantage of all parent volunteer opportunities, the Diocese requires school volunteers to go through Safe Environment Training and a Level II Background Screening. Parents who do not complete this training and bring certificates to the school will not be able to volunteer around children or during school hours.
To complete the certification you must:
- Create an online account and complete a Safe Environment Program Training for Access to Children. Once complete the free training you will receive a certificate of completion, which is good for 5 years. Please bring that certificate to the school.
- Fingerprint-Based Background Screening: You must attend one of the locations to get your fingerprints. These have a cost of $51 and are valid for 5 years.
- Complete a Covered Volunteer Application Form and turn it into the school office.
For any questions, please contact the Office of the Safe Environment Program within the Diocese of St. Petersburg at 727-344-1611, ext. 5303
A fin de estar completamente disponible para aprovechar todas las oportunidades de voluntariado para padres, la Diócesis requiere que los voluntarios de la escuela pasen por un Entrenamiento Ambiente Seguro y un Análisis de Antecedentes de Nivel II. Los padres que no completen esta capacitación y traigan certificados a la escuela no podrán ofrecerse como voluntarios alrededor de los niños o durante el horario escolar.
Para completar la certificación debe:
- Asistir a un programa de ambiente seguro (safe environment) para el acceso a los niños. Una vez completado, recibirá un certificado de finalización, que es válido por 5 años. Por favor traiga ese certificado a la escuela.
- Detección de antecedentes basada en huellas digitales: debe asistir a una de las ubicaciones para obtener sus huellas dactilares. Estos tienen un costo de $ 55 y son válidos por 5 años.
- Complete un formulario de solicitud de voluntario cubierto y envíelo a la oficina de la escuela.
Para cualquier pregunta, comuníquese con la Oficina del Programa de Ambiente Seguro dentro de la Diócesis de San Petersburgo al 727-344-1611, ext. 5303
Staff Directory/ Directorio de Personal
School Leaders/ Lideres de la Escuela
Fr. Nelson Restrepo (Pastor)
Mrs. Brenda Budd, B.A., M.Ed. (Principal/Directora): University of South Florida, University of Scranton
Mr. Anthony Crafa, B.A., M.Ed. (Assistant Principal/Director Asistente): University of Notre Dame, Saint Leo University
Dr. Mark Majeski, B.A., M.A., M.Ed., Ed.D. (Supervisor of School and Associate Superintendent/Supervisor di Escuela y Superintendiente Asociado): Montclair State University, Westminister Choir College of Rider University, Kean University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Office Staff/ Personal de la Oficína
Mrs. Odila Rodriguez (School Secretary and Scholarships /Secretaria Escolar y Becas)
Ms. Stephanie Vences (Office Manager/Gerente de Oficina)
Mrs. Greidys Fernandez (School Secretary/Secretaria Escolar)
Finance Department/ Departamento de Finanzas
Mrs. Eylis Reyes (Finance/Finanza)
Faculty/ Facultad
All Classroom teachers are certified by the Florida Department of Education to teach their assigned subjects and levels.
Todos los maestros de aula están certificados por el Departamento de Educación de Florida para enseñar sus asignaturas y niveles asignados.
Ms. Kristin Bos, B.A., M.S. (MS Language Arts Teacher/ Maestra de Artes de Lenguaje de la Escuela Secundaria): Niagara University
Mr. Ethan Kirsch, B.A. (MS Math and Science Teacher/ Maestro de Mátematicas y Ciencias de la Escuela Secundaria): University of Notre Dame
Mr. John Vonderhaar, B.A (Middle School Religion and Social Studies Teacher/ Maestro Religión y Ciencias Sociales de la escuela secundaria): University of Iowa
Ms. Susan Clark, B.A. (Teacher 5th Grade/ Maestra 5to Grado): Eastern Illinois University
Mrs. Lourdes Rivera, B.A., B.S. (Teacher 4th Grade/ Maestra 4to Grado): University of North Florida, Jacksonville University
Mrs. Stephanie Musick, B.A. (Teacher 3rd Grade/ Maestra 3er Grado): Argosy University
Mrs. Jennifer Piccari, B.A. (Teacher 2nd Grade/ Maestra 2do Grado): Westminister College (PA)
Mrs. Christy Simoni, B.S. (Teacher 1st Grade/ Maestra 1er Grado): University of South Florida
Mrs. Kathleen Masterton, B.S., M.A. (Kindergarten Teacher (Maestra Kindergarten): University of South Florida
Mrs. Maria Farrell, B.A., M.Ed. (Kindergarten Teacher/ Maestra Kindergarten): University of South Florida
Mrs. Rocio Correa, B.A. (Teacher Early Childhood/ Maestra Ninez Temprana): Harbor College
Ms. Wendy Lampinen, B.S. (Teacher Early Childhood/ Maestra Ninez Temprana): University of Tampa
Mr. Jesus (Moe) Gonzalez (Art and Spanish/ Arte y Español)
Mr. Jason Dodge, B.A. (Athletic Director/ Director Atleticó): Oakland University
Mrs. Lori Foley, B.A. (Performing Arts Teacher/ Maestra Artes Escénicas): Barat College
Mr. Alex Montoya (Chorus and Choir Leader/ Lider de Coro): Escuela Superior de Musica Conservatorio Amadeo Roldan
Ms. Terri Estrin (Title I/ Titulo I)
Ms. Sara Wilson (Title I/Titulo I)
Mrs. Christine Bencivenga, M.S. (ESE Specialist/ Especialista ESE): Queens College, NYC, Adelphi University
Mrs. Daiana Castillo, M.S.W. (School Counselor/ Consejera para la Escuela): Hunter School of Social Work, Lehman College
Ms. Gianna Seitzer, M.S. CMHC, MBSR, MBCT. (Social Worker/ Consejera Escolar): University of South Florida, University of Alabama, Walden University
Mrs. Brenda Yanes (Resource, Media Specialist/ Recurso, Especialista en Biblioteca)
Teacher Assistants/Asistentes de Maestros
Ms. Gisele Delgado (Kindergarten)
Ms. Janette Delgado (1st Grade/ 1er Grado)
Ms. Maria Delgado (2nd Grade/ 2do Grado)
Mrs. Gabrielle Fuerst (Intermediate Grades/ Grados Intermedios)
Ms. Violeta Gallardo (Kindergarten)
Mrs. Melania Nieves (Intermediate Grades/ Grados Intermedios)
Ms. Maria Rodriguez (Early Childhood/ Ninez Temprana
Mrs. Cynthia Whaley (Intermediate Grades/ Grados Intermedios)
Ms. Jackie Garcia
Ms. Laura Juvier